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Friday, April 19, 2013

Super Useful Travel Links

Happy Friday everyone! I thought this week would never end, but the weekend is almost here. You won’t be shocked to know that with all the stress of the week, I have been thinking more than ever about getting out of Dodge. Unfortunately, I don’t have the budget for it, so I found some links to make your next week easier, more enjoyable and more affordable. Enjoy!

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Ever wonder what happens to all the unused or partially-used bars of soap in hotel rooms if you don’t stick them in your travel bag before you leave? You might be surprised to know that something called the Global Soap Project exists and how they recycle hotel soap.

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So, if you’re like me and hate LAX (Los Angeles International Airport), you’re in good company. The airport knows that travelers hate connections and layovers there and they have very low satisfaction ratings in all categories. In order to combat this and make the lives of travelers a little better and less stressful, they are implementing new volunteer program. In fact, it’s so good, I might even consider not rerouting my next flight to ANY OTHER AIRPORT. What is it? It’s dogs! Volunteers bring their dogs and walk the terminals for 2-hour shifts, visiting with travelers and letting them pet the dogs and restore the calm in their life. Read more about PUP here.

Those cutie therapy dogs aren’t just at LAX. They are doing the rounds in Boston, too. This isn’t travel-related, but it’s awesome, so I share. If you want to visit Beantown on a budget, check out my last post.

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Next week, if you are also saving up for a big trip and also have time to get out for a day, make your way to your local national park, because it’s National Park Week and all the parks that require an entrance fee are totally free.

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Everyone knows mini-bars are crazy expensive and most of us don’t even use them. I mean, I can get a whole meal for $12 and bring my own bottle of water to drink in my room. Some hotel chains realize that they are just losing money on mini-bars (I assume on having to replace expiring snacks and extra electricity used) and are going to do away with them. Soon, you may not be tempted by those miniscule packs of nuts and tiny bottles of scotch at 3am.

Photos of Boston Children's Museum, Boston
This photo of Boston Children's Museum is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Summer is coming, which means soon, everywhere you go will be packed to the gills with tourists and locals alike. Want to find some neighborhood gems that have yet to be discovered but are still crazy good? USA Today brings you 10 Best Neighborhoods that Tourists Haven’t Found. Go now, before people read this article and make them the new trendy spots.

Photos of Selena Travel Mongolia Day tours, Ulaanbaatar

This photo of Selena Travel Mongolia Day tours is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Something you may not know about me is that I have always wanted to go to Mongolia. Maybe it’s because it seems so mysterious. Maybe it’s because I love Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Maybe I’m just interested in places where it’s so cold in the winter that you have to drink homemade vodka just to stay warm. In any case, Thrillist must have gotten in my head and they tell you some of the cool (awful?) parts of visiting Mongolia on a unique tour. It’s even budget-friendly, aside from airfare.

And I want to leave you with a little toot of my own horn. This week a local book review company gave my book, Shereen Travels Cheap, a pretty glowing review. Read it now on Night Owl Reviews.

Have you seen any interesting travel links lately? If so, I’d love for you to share them!

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